5 Simple Packing Hacks for Moving Like a Pro

Cartoon illustration in fuschia color demonstrating simple packing hacks for moving.5 Simple Packing Hacks for Moving Like a Pro

Moving can be a stressful and overwhelming experience, especially when it comes to packing. Whether you’re moving to a new city or a new country, it’s important to have a plan in place for packing your belongings. With the right techniques and supplies, you can pack like a pro and make your move easier and more efficient. Here are 5 moving hacks for packing before your next move.

1. Start with a Packing Plan

Before you begin packing, it’s important to create a plan. This will not only help you stay organized and on track throughout the packing process, but also ensure that you don’t forget anything important.

Start by creating a timeline and checklist of tasks that need to be completed before your move. This could include sorting items by room and category, decluttering and donating, and gathering packing supplies.

Create a timeline and checklist

Breaking down your packing plan into smaller, more manageable tasks with specific deadlines is a great way to stay focused and motivated throughout the process. This will also help you avoid the last-minute rush and stress that often comes with moving.

You can start by setting a deadline for when you want to start packing, and then working backwards from there to determine when you need to complete each task on your checklist. Make sure to give yourself enough time for each task, and be realistic about how much you can accomplish each day.

Sort items by room and category

Separating your belongings into different categories such as clothing, books, and kitchenware is a great way to simplify the packing process. By sorting your items by room, you can also make packing and unpacking easier.

Start by going through each room in your house and making a list of the items you want to keep, donate, or throw away. This will help you declutter your home and get rid of any items that you no longer need or use.

Once you have sorted your items by category and room, you can start packing them in boxes. Make sure to label each box with the contents and the room it belongs in, so that you can easily find what you need when you unpack.

2. Gather Quality Packing Supplies

Having the right packing supplies is essential to a successful move. Make sure to invest in quality materials that will protect your belongings during transit. Here are some tips to help you choose the right packing supplies:

Choose the right boxes

When it comes to choosing boxes for your move, it’s important to consider the size and weight of your items. Use sturdy boxes that are the appropriate size for your items. This will help prevent overpacking boxes or using damaged boxes that could break during transit. You can also consider using specialty boxes for specific items, such as wardrobe boxes for clothing or dish boxes for fragile dishes.

Invest in protective materials

Protecting your items during the move is crucial. Wrap fragile items in bubble wrap or packing paper to prevent damage. You can also use blankets or towels to wrap larger items, such as furniture or electronics.

Use packing peanuts or foam blocks to fill empty spaces in boxes and prevent items from shifting during the move. You can also use tape to secure items in place within the box.

Consider reusable packing supplies

While investing in high-quality packing supplies is important, it’s also important to consider the environmental impact of your move. Consider using reusable packing supplies, such as plastic bins or reusable moving boxes. These options not only reduce waste, but they can also save you money in the long run.

Label your boxes

Don’t forget to label your boxes! This will make unpacking much easier and more organized. Label each box with the room it belongs in and a brief description of its contents. You can also use color-coded labels to help you quickly identify which boxes belong in which room.

By following these tips, you can ensure that your belongings are well-protected during your move. Remember, investing in quality packing supplies is an investment in the safety of your items!

3. Declutter and Donate

Before you begin packing, take the time to declutter and donate items you no longer need or want. This will not only make packing easier, but it will also help you start fresh in your new home.

Assess your belongings

Decluttering can be a daunting task, but it doesn’t have to be. Start by assessing your belongings and determining which items you want to bring to your new home, and which ones you can donate or toss. Be honest with yourself about what you need and what you can live without. Remember, the less you have to pack, the easier your move will be.

When assessing your belongings, consider the last time you used each item. If it’s been months or even years since you’ve used it, it’s probably safe to say you can part with it. Additionally, if an item is broken or damaged beyond repair, it’s time to say goodbye.

Organize a garage sale or donation drive

If you have items in good condition that you no longer need, consider organizing a garage sale or donation drive to get rid of them. This will not only help you declutter, but it will also benefit others in your community.

When organizing a garage sale, be sure to advertise it well in advance. This can be done through social media, flyers, or even a local newspaper. Make sure to price your items fairly and be prepared to negotiate with potential buyers.

If you choose to donate your items, there are many organizations that will gladly accept them. Goodwill, The Salvation Army, and Habitat for Humanity are just a few examples. Not only will you be decluttering your home, but you’ll also be making a positive impact in your community.

Decluttering and donating can be a time-consuming process, but it’s well worth it in the end. You’ll be starting fresh in your new home with only the items you truly need and use, and you’ll feel good knowing that your unwanted items are going to a good cause.

4. Pack Smart with the Right Techniques

When it comes to packing for a move, it can be overwhelming to figure out where to start. However, with the right techniques, packing can become a more manageable task. Here are a few tips to help you pack smart, so that you can focus on settling into your new home.

Use the “Russian doll” method

One of the most efficient ways to pack is to use the “Russian doll” method. This involves packing your largest items first, such as furniture or large appliances, and then adding smaller items inside. This will help you save space and make packing more efficient.

For example, you can pack your smaller kitchen appliances inside your larger ones, such as your toaster inside your microwave. This will not only save space, but also keep your items organized and easier to unpack later.

Fill empty spaces with soft items

When packing fragile items, it’s important to ensure they are protected during the move. One way to do this is to use soft items such as blankets or towels to fill empty spaces in boxes. This will prevent items from shifting during the move and help protect them from damage.

For example, you can wrap your picture frames in blankets or towels and then place them in a box with other soft items such as pillows or stuffed animals. This will keep them secure and protected during the move.

Label your boxes

Another important packing tip is to label your boxes. This will make it easier to unpack and find what you need later. You can label your boxes based on the room they belong in, such as “kitchen” or “bedroom”, or based on the items inside, such as “books” or “dishes”.

You can also use color-coded labels to make it even easier to identify which boxes belong in which room. This will save you time and energy when unpacking and help you get settled into your new home faster.

Donate or sell unwanted items

Packing is also a great opportunity to declutter and get rid of items you no longer need or want. Before you start packing, go through your belongings and decide what you want to keep, donate, or sell. This will not only make packing easier, but also make your move more organized and efficient.

You can donate your unwanted items to a local charity or sell them online or at a garage sale. This will not only help you declutter, but also give you some extra cash to put towards your move.

By using these packing techniques, you can make your move more efficient, organized, and stress-free. Remember to take breaks and ask for help when needed, and soon you’ll be settled into your new home.

5. Label and Color-Code Your Boxes

Labeling and color-coding your boxes is an easy way to keep your belongings organized and make unpacking easier. Here’s how:

Write detailed labels

Be specific when labeling your boxes. Include the room the box belongs in, a list of items inside, and any other relevant information such as “fragile” or “this end up.”

Assign colors to different rooms

Use different colors of tape or markers to assign each room a specific color. For example, use blue for the living room and red for the kitchen. This will make it easy for movers to place boxes in the right rooms and help you unpack more efficiently.


By following these 5 simple hacks for packing like a pro, you can make your move easier and less stressful. Remember to stay organized, invest in quality packing supplies, declutter and donate, pack smart, and label and color-code your boxes. With the right techniques, you can pack like a pro and start enjoying your new home sooner.