What is the Most Economical Way to Ship Moving Boxes?
We all know that moving can be expensive. But did you know that shipping your moving boxes can be a budget-friendly alternative? Here are some tips to help you save money with this economical way to ship moving boxes.
Start for Free! Ask for Boxes at Your Local Grocery Store of Recycling Center
One simple way to save money on your move is to collect free moving boxes from your local grocery store or recycling center. This can be a rewarding scavenger hunt that can save you hundreds of dollars compared to buying boxes outright. You may find some large boxes suitable for shipping heavy items, or you may come across some smaller sizes just right for packing fragile glassware. Get creative with the hunt for free moving boxes, and save yourself time comparing prices at the store. Your wallet (and sanity) will thank you later!
Know Where to Look for Shipping Options – From Freight Companies to the Post Office
From freight companies to your local post office, you have more options than you might think. Freight companies can provide service management for pick-up, delivery, and transit documentation for very large or heavy boxes.
You can also ship your moving boxes with the United States Postal Service (USPS)! This can be an economical option for smaller moves. Just be sure to measure – the USPS will only accept boxes that are 108 inches in maximum length and width.
Properly Labeling Your Boxes Makes Shipping and Unpacking Simple!
When sending boxes through any shipping service, make sure you clearly label them with your personal information so that if something goes wrong, they will know how to get in contact with you and remedy any issues as soon as possible. Along with labeling your shipment correctly, research to see which tracking services are available. That way, you can be assured that it’s being delivered safely and can track its exact whereabouts. For example, many delivery services provide the ability to follow your package along its route – you can even request to have your items delivered to a secure area at their destination.
And speaking of your new destination – labels aren’t just for the shipping company! Simple labels like “Kitchen” or “Clothing” can make sorting and unpacking much easier.
So there you have it – everything you need to know about getting your belongings from Point A to Point B without spending a fortune. By following our simple tips, you can save yourself time and money while ensuring that your boxes make it to their destination in one piece. What are you waiting for? Find the right shipping service for your boxes and start packing!
Still not sure where to start? Check out our Containers and Freight page for more shipping options or get a quote on shipping costs. Still stuck or looking for more advice? Contact the Moving Experts today!